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Laughing Out Loud

Laughing Out Loud 


Welcome to Student Comedy my name is Trinity Denton. I love to keep things funny. My guest today is Mr. Diller. For you who do not know, he is the beloved shop teacher at Ingalls High. He loves to put a smile on others’ faces. He has jokes from simple dad jokes to elaborate jokes to brighten your day! Mr. Diller, “What are some of your favorite jokes?”

“What do you call a cow with a twitch? Beef Jerky   The butcher who backed into his grinder got a little behind in his work. What do you call a 3' long aardvark?  A yardvark.   There was a guy with a racing snail.   He wanted to make him faster, so he removed the snail's shell.  All it did was make him a little more sluggish.” 

Wow what jokes! There is never a time when Mr Diller doesn’t make us laugh. Thank you for all you do. Is there a joke you would like to close out with? “ Some American honey bees wanted to make more profit on their honey, so they decided to export their honey to some foreign locations. They shipped it from a USB port.” 


  • Trinity Denton