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Ingalls USD 477



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January Board Minutes



MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2021  7:00 P.M.


  1. ROLL CALL:  Karen Walker, Jeremy Salem, John Minet (by phone),

        Deanne Unruh, Matt Stein, Joanna Schmeeckle, Randy Rockhold, Ted

        Brown, Skyler Lightner and Debbie Benton


  1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA:  Jeremy Salem moved and Karen Walker

                  seconded to approve the agenda.   Carried 6-0


  1. Jeremy Salem reported that there was no SWKACD #613 meeting. Jeremy Salem also reported that SWKACD #613 denied our request for an additional special education teacher.
  2. Matt Stein reported on current Governmental Relation.    
  3. Skyler Lightner presented current data for Grades K-12 student needs.
  4. Ted Brown reported that the high school had gained two new students and that they had three students leave at semester.
  5. Randy Rockhold presented his superintendents report which included projected budget figures for this year and the next three fiscal years.


     V.   BUSINESS: 

  1. Matt Stein moved and Deanne Unruh seconded to approve a supplemental contract for Christine Dillingham as middle school/high school special education teacher.  This contract is to complete the 20/21 year and for the 21/22 academic year as well.  Carried 6-0
  2. Jeremy Salem moved and Karen Walker seconded to transfer funds from the general fund to the student activity cheerleader account in the amount of $545.78.  Carried 6-0
  3. Matt Stein moved and Jeremy Salem seconded to approve the consent agenda which included the minutes from the December 7th, regular board meeting and minutes for the December 14th special meeting.  Claim vouchers in the amount of $313,1627 which includes the December payroll as well as a Christmas Bonus payroll.  Carried 6-0
  4. Deanne Unruh moved and Karen Walker seconded to approve the 2019/20 audit as presented by Pat Friess, Kennedy McKee Co., LLP.  Carried 6-0
  5. Deanne Unruh moved and Matt Stein seconded to approve the resolution of the 2nd publication for the 20/21 budget.  This is due to a 1.98% increase from the prior year. Carried 6-0


                      VI.   ADJOURN:  Deanne Unruh moved and Karen Walker seconded to adjourn at 8:35 P.M.  Carried 6-0